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Voids by Frizzy J


The dreams of Gods are boring, after enough centuries.

When suns have burned out and black holes eaten everything about,

When galaxies have cannibalized, center out

Comets, meteors and other petty rocks are all that’s left.

Is not that what you see, in the voids abroad?

Come home and let us taste your dreams,

Drive us from ourselves.

Where we bide our time and bind our hearts for love’s dear fallacy,

Come save us, I beg, burn through inconsistency.

Can you not see beyond the voids abroad?

A fused chromosome renders us elite

‘Mongst dogs and mammals, invertebrates beneath the water’s swell.

Primates see us, learn from us, and cannot do half as well.

But why leave us here to pillage each other,

To take and invade, to rape and burn, to destroy and build upon the bones we leave like refuse in a garbage bin?

What did you dream before you left us,

Or was it just another end?

Will you come back and save us, from our voids, within?

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