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Resident Evil Movie Review


Image of the Resident Evil DVD Case.  It pictures Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez in redscale with a sci-fi collage  behind them.  Centered on the bottom of the case it says: " A SECRET EXPERIMENT.  A DEADLY VIRUS.  A FATAL MISTAKE."

Resident Evil came to the big screen in 2002. Of course, the movies are very loosely associated with the games, and they get pretty far afield from their namesake after the second one. Not to say that that is a bad thing. In fact, the movie franchise was quite profitable and did a lot to push early CGI to where it is now. I'm not so sure that it would be of a quality to allow movies like Avatar in this day and age without the astronomical budgets of the Matrix sequels or Resident Evil sequels. However, that's a discussion for another day.

The movie opens with an entire laboratory being slaughtered. It's a wild, claustrophobic series of events including elevator decapitation and poison gas. Then it flashes to Alice, as played by Milla Jovovich, regaining consciousness in a running shower. She rises in a daze and moves her way through a mansion as if confused, only to be suddenly surrounded by soldiers. It just so happens that the mansion is an entrance to an underground research facility where the computer A.I. has gone on a homicidal rampage. The security team is going down to reboot her.

They descend and succeed, only to discover that the A.I. was in fact protecting the entire world from what they were researching down there…

With plenty of action and jump scares, this is a fun zombie movie. Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez are awesome in it.

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