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Moving Forward


Hey, coffee folks. Frizzy J here. Sorry I've been absent, life happened in the wake of the Harrowvault Volume 1 release.

My first book, a collection of hooror stories, is available now. You can find a link for it here

I'd like to change the direction that this blog's content is moving in. Now that I have taken my first step as an author (wild little dream come true to say that) I'd like to start pushing the blog posts towards more of my original work. I've been releasing poetry with regularity, but I intend to begin to start writing short stories exclusively for the blog. Be on the lookout for those!

LJB and I are also going to begin work on the Youtube videos again, if that interests you.

I also want to thank my supporters and readers. It is a great privelege to distribute my writing, and I am always open to feedback and discussion about such things.

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Coffee With Frizzy J

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