Oh, you had to have known this was coming. This movie came out the year before I was born. I watched IT! (pardon the pun) sometime in high school. I have to admit, having now read the book and having seen the remake(s), this is a great movie. It occurs to me that a movie adaptation of the book IT is an obscenely difficult task. You know you can't put it all in, because such a runtime would extend far beyond what a typical audience could handle. There's so much material, what do you keep?
The kids were far better actors than the adults. Actually, I wonder if they blew the whole budget on the youths' part of the story, because everything was better about it. But, 1960 or 1990, Pennywise was amazing. Morbidly comical and prolific, Tim Curry nailed Pennywise. The prosthetic teeth were great too.
What I found interesting was just how much better I understood the movie, having read the book. I don't know if that is because I read the book, or because I'm older and pay better attention to things now. Probably both. I was surprised at how true to the literary work's story this adaptation was, despite being only three hours long.