Hey! Frizzy J here, with a surprisingly good new horror movie! Grab yourself a hot brew and come along.
Grimcutty, a 2022 Hulu Original of 1 hr, 40 minutes, is better than it sounds. I read the description and was like, "Oh, like Momo?" Truth is, yes. That exact premise is what Grimcutty delivers. If you think that that is silly, then I agree with you. That being said, the movie, despite the subpar child acting and the awful CGI work, held a firm logical thread throughout. From start to finish the movie retained credibility and sense, and stuck to its themes and premises.
The movie starts with a bang. A small boy is locked in his room at night, so he climbs out of his window and walks across the roof to another room to access the rest of the house. The camera then cuts to his mother, who is listening to broadcasts about children self-harming and reading articles about the importance of screen time reduction. Her eyes go wide as she gnaws on her fingernails. The boy looks back out the window as an ominous wind stirs his hair. He sees a black-clad man-thing off in the distance. The mother panics and begins to pace. Cut back to the little boy as he climbs up on the counter to get a knife from a tote on the top shelf. Upon his return to ground level, the front opens on its own. The boy moves over to investigate while still retaining the kitchen wall as cover, and the man-thing's face peeks in from the side of the doorway in a shocking mockery of the boy. He runs to his mother's office, where she has been pacing. The man-thing chases him down, and he drives the knife into his mother's stomach.
Remember a few years back when children were finding a scary face (Momo) in the YouTube videos telling them to harm themselves or others? This movie is an interesting twist upon that prank. The part of the movie that I find so intriguing, however, is that the supernatural force gains power not from its victims, but from the anxiety and hysteria of the parents. I thought this was a fascinating idea, with actual pertinent potential for application. For instance, try viewing this movie as a cautionary tale. What if we didn't panic when it really mattered?
As stated above, Grimcutty has subpar CGI and pretty bad acting, at least from the teenagers, but the actual story shines through all of that. I found the resolution to be a bit drawn out, but it wasn't terrible. I would recommend it to someone who only has Hulu to watch.