Hello! I'm Frizzy J. 'Tis a pleasure. This is my first ever attempt at a blog, but from what I understand about them, no one will ever see this page. You find a blog based upon how its content interacts with a search engine, and never see the polite introductions of the writer and the work they did to get to the point they inhabit when you discover them. Therefore, let's just delve in, eh?
As previously stated, I'm Frizzy J. I am a caucasian man, early thirties, with one child and not much else. I enjoy reading fiction, I aspire to write fiction and poetry (perhaps here?), and I like movies and video games.
Statement of intent: I am doing this primarily in an attempt to get myself to the page more often. I want to write, to be read and perhaps given the opportunity to discuss (or defend) my work. However, I find that I am lazy, and that I fail to get myself to the keyboard. So, let's see if we can fix that, eh?
I am so excited for you! I can’t wait to read your upcoming work. You’re such a talented writer and you deserve every success!
The transparency of your first blog is great. I can’t wait to see what is to come from this adventure!