Welcome back! Hope you had a great weekend. I've got a marvelous book from a little known author for you today. I had never heard of Thomas Ligotti before September 2022. His art is truly well done. Born in 1953, Ligotti lives to bring the strange to the mundane. His stories come highly acclaimed and recommended. Alas, I have only read My Work is Not Yet Done, therefore I can only discuss that one… so grab a cup of joe, because here we go!
My Work is Not Yet Done by Thomas Ligotti is a plodding horror story that invites the reader to experience the vicious competitive world of corporate hell. We follow Frank Dominio, a man working in lower management trying to make it through without attracting any amount of attention whatsoever. However, Frank is drawn into a series of mind games that end with his resignation. Swearing revenge, Frank sets about planning how he will massacre upper management. He begins his bloody work, only to find that he now has access to dark, terrible abilities.
I found the story to be slow to begin with, yet towards the middle I found myself unable to step away. A week of reading brought me to the beginning of Frank's revenge, and then I shredded through the rest of the book in a mere two days. I didn't lose any sleep doing it, either. I made time for it.
I have never experienced a writing style like this before, with breakneck stream-of-consciousness and a depiction of OCD with a masterful accent upon the O. I intend to read more of Ligotti's work in my near future. The two short stories at the end of the novel were superb as well, although very different in scope and tone.
I would recommend this book to any connoisseurs of horror with any degree of patience. As stated previously, the beginning was a bit slow. The rest did not disappoint, however. Not at all. Also, I would have readers note that despite the plodding tempo of the beginning, it is not boring. You come into the meat and potatoes of the story with a very firm grasp upon Frank Dominio, not just as a character, but as a man.
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